Monday, May 3, 2010

From Trish herself

What a ride!!  And I don't want to go on it again.  It was just over a month ago when my doctors gave me the news- ovarian cancer- and thought to be advanced.  Needless to say, devastated was the reaction.  I thought I had done everything right- regular check ups, mammograms, etc.  I did know something was wrong, though.  I thought it was digestive... no appetite, but seemed to be gaining weight, indigestion, continuing discomfort.  Finally, after seeing the gastroenterologist with no relief, I went to my general practioner.  She took one look at me and ordered a CAT scan.  The rest, as they say, is history!

In Philadelphia I was told it was stage 3 or 4.  At Sloan-Kettering the following week, Dr. Chi would not commit, telling me simply that I was in the "right place."  Sure enough, he was right.  But what he didn't know was that I had all of you praying and pulling for me, as well as lots of help from "upstairs."  All of this probably made his job a lot easier!

Thank you all for the cards, the emails, the flowers, the food, the good wishes, the prayers and the positive energy.  I have been completely humbled by this experience and unbelievable outcome.  I know you are all thinking- humbled?  Never!   Kidding aside, it is amazing how receiving a card or an email can bolster your spirits.  The little things that we think are no big deal, but they really are a big deal when you are on the receiving end.  All the messages and prayers were greatly appreciated.

Thank you doesn't seem to be sufficient, but it certainly is sincere.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

My love to you all!


Friday, April 23, 2010

More amazing news

Dr. Chi just called to let Trish know that the panel at Sloan-Kettering met yesterday to review her case.  The consensus is that she will not need chemotherapy!  In the end, they are calling it a stage 1 low-grade tumor that was contained in the ovary.  She will be watched closely for some time, as I imagine any cancer patient would be, but he is extremely optimistic that she will remain cancer free!  Trish will return to Sloan sometime soon to have the IP chemo port removed as it is no longer needed :)

It feels like nothing short of a miracle!!!  To say Trish is beside herself would be an understatement... aren't we all?  Check back soon for a message from Trish herself!

Love and thanks to all of you!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Awesome news!

I just got a text from Duffy... she accompanied Trish today.  All 28 biopsies have come back CLEAN!  Low grade cancer in the removed tumor only.  She may not even require chemotherapy!  It is not often I am without words, but I am just speechless and grinning from ear to ear!  There will be many tears of relief and joy now... more info to come!

Today is another big day

Trish is in NYC today for her 1pm follow-up appointment with Dr. Chi.  We hopefully will have some information to share later this afternoon.  Check back, and in the meantime, prayers... positive thoughts... healing vibrations...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Back at headquarters :)

This team member is having a terrible time posting from Trish's new iMac... the formatting and line breaks are weird!  Apologies for words cut in half :(

Trish arrived back in Absecon this afternoon after a safe and smooth drive with Duffy at the wheel. She is looking great, getting her appetite back, and moving about more and more.  A couple of good fairies had come by prior to spruce the place up and leave some healthful provisions... Trish sends her love to both of them. She has so enjoyed the cards, notes, emails and blog comments left by so many of her friends!  The support and love mean so much to her... stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

She's out of the hospital!

Trish left the hospital at 12:15pm today and is recuperating at Jenny's apartment in NYC. Her escape and the car ride to Jenny's was uneventful, thank goodness. Trish and Ella both lit up when they saw each other. Being around kids is a tonic for Trish. If her recovery continues at this pace, Trish wants to drive home to Absecon on Friday the 16th. She has to return to NYC for staple removal and the biopsy reports. We are awaiting word from Dr. Chi's office for that date and appointment time. It will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday, the 20 or 21st. We should also have more information on the chemo schedule at that time. That's all for now, keep the prayers and good thoughts coming.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Heading out

Things are still moving at breakneck speed... Trish is scheduled to be released from Sloan-Kettering tomorrow, Wed. April 14th!  Doctors are very happy with her progress following surgery.  She was sitting up the day after surgery, and soon after was enjoying a shower and occasional strolls down the hallway.  She has commented again and again on the staff of Sloan... their level of professionalism, courtesy and most of all, compassion... from staff members of every level.  She has enjoyed her nurses so much that she has been stuffing money in their pockets, just like any favorite gray-haired auntie would do.

Trish will remain in the Big Apple with niece Jenny for a few days until she feels up to the 2.5 hour drive back to Absecon.  She is scheduled for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Chi the following Wed. April 21st.  We shall hold our collective breath and say prayers that our next miracle comes that day... he will likely have biopsy results by then.

Trish sends warm thanks for all the lovely flowers, notes, cards, emails and comments she has received.  So many generous offers of help and kindness are also rolling in as we get ready to welcome Trish home and prepare for chemotherapy in a few weeks.  Stay tuned for further details, and keep sending up prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday 4/11 Update

Cathy & I saw Trish when she came out of surgery, Friday. She had good color and was glad the news was better than expected. Saturday, they had her sitting up in a chair at 6am and walking the floor by 4pm. Her blood pressure was low and she felt lightheaded, so her walk was delayed until the late afternoon. Sunday, Trish is feeling much better, she is eating a bit and the pain is tolerable. We are all awaiting the results of the 28 biopsies, which will determine if more surgery is required or if she will be treated by chemo alone. If all the results are as we hope, Trish will be released by Friday, 4/16. We should also know her chemo schedule, which we believe will be at least a month from her surgery date, so she can fully heal. She may stay in NYC, close to the hospital for several days and then travel home to recuperate. She'll travel to NYC to have her chemo.

Cathy will be in NYC all week, Mike and Denny also visited Saturday and Sunday. Yes, 4 Walshes in one room (Sloan Kettering may never take another patient by the name of Walsh).

If you want to send a card to Trish, her address in NYC is
Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital
1275 York Ave.
Room 1035A
New York City, NY 10065

That's all for now, keep those prayers and good thoughts coming.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Surgery complete!

Looks like we have many more reasons to be optimistic as of right now.  Dr. Chi took only 3-4 hours to finish because this turns out to be less complicated than expected- strange and uncommon- but resulting in a much less extensive surgery.

The tumor was a mucinous tumor, meaning basically filled with cancerous mucus.  The tumor leaked and filled the area with the thick fluid, but the tumor itself had "no defined spread" to other organs or structures.  Two liters of the stuff were suctioned out.  They removed all of her reproductive organs, as well as her appendix and a fatty deposit from her intestine.  28 biopsies were taken- all of organs and structures where the mucus had been in contact.   Those biopsies will take a few days.  They placed a port for intraperitoneal chemotherapy... the chemo will be placed right in her abdomen as opposed to being given intravenously.

Here's the best part... Dr. Chi says this is a likely to be a low-grade cancer... he is "cautiously optimistic."  He reports that he had a patient with this type of tumor eight years ago, and she is still in remission today... never had a return of cancer.

Keep praying, send healing thoughts and love Trish's way!  Duff, Cathy and Jenny will get to see her around 5pm.

Good morning... quick update

Just got a text from Duffy, who is there with Trish as she is prepped for surgery.  Surgery is starting ahead of schedule... about 11am.   Will post again when I hear more...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

'Twas the night before surgery...

... and all across the land, people are sending prayers and positive thoughts and healing vibrations to the Big Apple. I don't have much more info, but this is what I know...

Trish will be at Jenny's tonight enjoying only liquids and then undoubtedly fasting sometime thereafter. She will check in at Sloan-Kettering at 9:15am. Surgery is scheduled to begin at 12:15pm. Dr. Chi says at least 6 hours in the OR, and perhaps as many as 12. Let him be thorough and precise and aggressive, I say. Of course, I say this knowing that it will be one of the longest days ever for those of us waiting on news.

On a related note, Duffy got to meet the famed Dr. Chi today. She promptly gave him her seal of approval, which I dare say has probably been given to only an honored and chosen few. Hopefully, Duff will get a chance to check in here at "Team Trish" for more details on her impression of Dr. International Oncology Rock Star :)

I understand that some have been having trouble leaving comments here on the blog. Hopefully, this will help. This is the simplest way to go, I think.  But remember, when all else fails, you can just email Trish directly at

At the end of a specific post, look for the clickable "comments."

Scroll down below any comments left by previous visitors to the space where you type your message.  Jot down your message.  Select "Anonymous" as your posting mode (unless you have an account with one of the other services- then use that mode.)

When you are ready (don't forget to leave your name in the body of your message) click "Post Comment."

I hope this helps!  Check back often for updates tomorrow... I will share whatever I know as soon as I can.  Love, prayers, healing vibes...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dr. Chi doesn't mess around... surgery pushed up

Wednesday afternoon here, and Trish was busy planning an overnight to NYC/Sloan for Thursday's pre-op appointments. Well, Dr. Chi called to tell her that he has an opening in his surgery schedule, and they will be operating on Friday... this Friday April 9th. It's like a whirlwind now with packing and making sure she has what she needs. She will be leaving South Jersey tomorrow- Thursday. Plans are underway for lots of assistance during the recovery...

Keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming, everyone! Trish has received many lovely cards, notes, emails and calls. She is overwhelmed with the love and support coming her way. I will update with contact information in NYC when she is settled. I will surely be posting on Friday when I get information...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt!

As promised, lots of Easter fun at Trish's house this weekend... look at all those kids and babies!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Duff chimes in...

Heard from Trish, she is not happy about the 2 week wait, but is VERY happy with Dr. Chi. We'll have to set up the logistics and duty schedules for her recovery in NYC. You know she is going to be a PIA about all of this stuff!

Hahnemann or Sloan-Kettering, Part Deux

A late-breaking update for all of us waiting on pins and needles...

Trish met with Dr. Dennis Chi of Sloan-Kettering.  I only had a chance to glance over this doctor's bio.  I think he must be like a rock star in the world of gynecological oncology.  Read the bio if you get a chance... very impressive!  Especially this bit:

On an international level, I am one of a handful of gynecologic oncology surgeons from the United States on the faculty of Esagon (European School of Abdomino-pelvic surgery in Gynecologic ONcology), based in Italy. The school provides surgeons throughout the world with the ability to interact and learn from the world's leading experts in the complex field of gynecologic oncology surgery. Our passionate mission is to improve the care and outcomes of women with gynecolgic cancers -- not just in our own countries, but throughout the world.

Bearing in mind that Trish has not officially notified us of her decision, here is what we know so far about a Sloan-Kettering plan.  Dr. Chi would perform this complicated surgery (6-12 hours) on April 16th.  The recuperation would be about 2-3 weeks.  At that time, the team would decide whether IV chemotherapy or IP chemotherapy would follow.  Read more about these treatment options here.

Interesting to note that according to Dr. Chi, larger ovarian tumors are usually not the more aggressive cancers.  The smaller the tumor, the more aggressive typically.  Well, who would ever have thought we'd be almost grateful for a larger mass?  We are thankful for every ray of hope these doctors offer, and Dr. Chi leaves us with a lot of hope.

Trish will come home on Friday with Jenny.  Easter festivities will commence... the babies and children can spin circles around her as she holds court :)  Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoppin' down the bunny trail!

Hahnemann? Sloan-Kettering?

It would seem that the doctors are running slightly behind schedule.   As of 5pm this afternoon, Trish was still waiting to meet the doctors at Sloan-Kettering.  The patient ahead of her has been with the doctors for three hours.  Let's assume that this team of doctors is incredibly thorough... a good thing, although I can't imagine anxiously waiting all that time.  We are all so glad she has Jenny with her.

On Tuesday March 30th, Trish met with two doctors at Hahnemann in Philadelphia.  She likes them both very much, especially the surgeon, Dr. King.  It sounds like Dr. King is a no-nonsense straight talker, just like Trish!  Dr. King encouraged Trish to seek another opinion from Sloan while also going ahead to schedule surgery at Hahnemann for Wednesday April 7th.

A decision will be most likely be made in the next day or two... Hahnemann or Sloan for this important surgery.